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PF 2024

The Bibliography of the History of the Czech Lands wishes you a Merry Christmas and much success in 2024.

PF 2024

Meeting of the users of library systems of KP-SYS company

On November 15th, 2023, the traditional meeting of users of library systems of the company KP-SYS was held at the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, which was organized together with this company by the Department of Biobibliographic Studies and the Library. Representatives of the KP-SYS company Ing. Petr Štefan, Ing. Jan Pachol, Ing. Tomáš Bydžovský, Ing. Miloslav Brada and Ing. Tomáš Krejzek summarized the activities and results in 2023 and introduced new products in the Verbis and Portaro system.


Meeting of the users Meeting of the users Meeting of the users Meeting of the users

International conference - 50 years of ABDOS

On May 15-17, 2023, the international conference “50 years of ABDOS - Continuities and Turning Points” was held at the Herder-Institut in Marburg. The contribution Bibliography of the History of the Czech Lands was presented online by Věra Hanelová.

Logo Herder-Institutu

Workshops Wikidata, Wikipedie and their tools

On 4th and 18th April 2023, the Wikidata, Wikipedia and their tools for working with databases workshops were held at the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, organized by the Department of Biobibliographic Studies and the Library of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i. and Wikimedia. The workshops were led by Mgr. Vojtěch Dostál, wikidata scientist and member of the Wikimedia association. Mgr. Daniel Baránek, Ph.D. showed the practical use of Wikidata in historical science. The participants actively worked with the selected databases using the tools they were introduced to during the workshop.

Workshop Wikidata Workshop Wikidata Workshop Wikidata Workshop Wikidata

34th session of the SDRUK bibliography section

On April 11–12, 2023, the 34th meeting of the SDRUK bibliography section was held in the Moravian Library in Brno. Věra Hanelová gave a report on the activities of the Department of Historical Bibliography/Department of Biobibliographic Studies and Library for the year 2022. The participants were introduced to the new ALKARO project and the news in the database of the Dictionary of Czech Librarians. A methodological workshop on the ANL cooperation system took place. Part of the accompanying program was a tour of the newly opened Milan Kundera library.

Moravská zemská knihovna Moravská zemská knihovna Moravská zemská knihovna