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The 21st Conference Archives, Libraries, Museums in the Digital World 2020

On December 2nd, 2020, a videoconference of the 21st Conference Archives, Libraries, Museums in the Digital World was held. Věra Hanelová presented the databases Bibliography of the History of the Czech Lands, The Academic Encyclopedia of Czech History and their Interconnection.


Academic Encyclopedia of Czech History

The Academic Encyclopedia of Czech History (abbr. AEČD) is an extensive encyclopedic work (15 volumes are planned), comprehensively presenting the latest scientific knowledge of the history of the Czech Lands and the societies living on this territory. The Encyclopedia also brings the overview of international contacts and connections from the beginning of historical time to the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. It primarily focuses on territorial changes, population, society, economy, legal and administrative conditions, politics, international relations, military history, culture, science and education, ideology, religion and historiography. This Encyclopedia has more ambitious goal than becoming a mere, yet critical summary of known data, often available to a narrow group of experts. It aims at providing the assessment of a vast factual basis, closely together with apt descriptions of essential topics from the Czech history, with the exception of biographical and historical-topographical facts, as they are summarized in special lexicons.

PF 2020

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year wishes Department of Historical Bibliography